Many Americans suffer from frequent headaches and headaches that interfere with regular activities. Pain medications are not the answer, they will not identify and solve the cause of the headache. Fortunately, chiropractic provides a way to treat and solve the underlying cause for many types of headaches, including:
- Tension
- Migraines
- Sinus
- Cervicogenic
- Chiropractic Adjustments – Steady, controlled, and specific adjustments delivered to your spinal joints to restore maximum movement and function. This is a proven technique, particularly effective for tension headaches, muscle tightness and migraine headaches.
- Class IV Laser – Handheld device that is a non-invasive way to treat pain. Several consecutive treatments recommended in a short period of time.
- Interferential Electro-Therapy – This type of therapy is used for pain relief and aid to reduce local swelling, promote muscle tone, restore normal movements and accelerate the healing process.
- Myofascial Release – Massage techniques designed to relax, break down adhesions, promote blood flow and optimize the function of muscles and the surrounding soft tissues.
- Rehabilitation – Exercises and stretches performed in-office and at home to help condition muscles and to help prevent headaches in the future.