Chiropractic can be used to optimize wellness, not just treat pain.

Chiropractic specific adjustment creates a strong structural correction program for those with cervical spine degeneration and other spinal misalignment problems.

Structure dictates function. If your spine is misaligned, your nervous system will be adversely impacted. Getting regular chiropractic adjustments is important for the maintenance of your spine and overall health and physical function.

When your spine is out of alignment, you lose the ability to hydrate the discs between the vertebrae, which results in diminishing disc space, bulging disc and possibly, herniation.

A common assumption is that unless you’re experiencing pain, all is well. In reality, many if not most diseases are asymptomatic until the disease process is well underway.

Taking care of your spine is like brushing your teeth and getting regular dental checkups. If you don’t take care of your spine, problems will eventually present themselves from lack of care, or ignorance about what can and needs to be done.

Part of the reason you’d want to receive chiropractic care is because the compression that occurs on the nerves exciting the spinal cord from misaligned vertebrae, can spine, problems will eventually present themselves from lack of care, or ignorance about what can and needs to be done.

Part of the reason you’d want to receive chiropractic care is because the compression that occurs on the nerves exiting the spinal cord from misaligned vertebrae, especially in your neck, can cause significant problems and affect your autonomic nervous system. Your vertebrae help protect your nervous system, and when your vertebrae are properly aligned, the discs between each vertebrae have the ability to properly hydrate. This is called imbibition, or the ability to hydrate that disc. When your spine is out of alignment, you lose the ability to hydrate the disc, which typically causes the space between the two vertebrae to diminish. As this space diminishes, the disc has to migrate somewhere as there’s no longer sufficient room between the vertebra. So, what’s typically happens is the disc will start to bulge over time. This is not just an automatic consequence of age, but rather something caused by misalignment in the spine. What’s more, as the bulge gets worse, it actually starts changing the shape of the bone, causing bone spurs to develop. As the angular fibers defining the disc are disrupted, the integrity of the disc is also weakened, which can lead to herniation.

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